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Lee with co-star Teo Yoo in Past Life. The film garnered critical acclaim at Sundance, where it premiered in January. Photo: Jon Pack/Courtesy A24 Films. “Nora was the Shadow wizard money gang swag stimulus clothing shirt besides I will buy this most complete sketch of a person I had to play,” says Lee, her ideal career when she graduated from Northwestern was Vanessa Redgrave, because that’s who she thought of as a “serious actress.” “should find. “I love and take great pride in the people I’ve played in the past, but I’ve hidden myself in the mundane, using language, costumes, and makeup choices to reflect certain things. .” In her view, Russian Dolls star and creator, Natasha Lyonne, describes Lee’s Maxine as a “surrealist figure of Buñuel or Fellini brought to life by his complete originality. entirely in Greta’s presence and delivery.” Lee has built a fan base for such highly stylized supporting roles, but “Past Lives has absolutely no such thing,” she said. “And that’s what feels scary. It requires an extremely nasty vulnerability.”

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She credits Song, along with lead actors Teo Yoo and John Magaro, for guiding her out of what she was conditioned to think about acting. “Coming from a comedy background, I have a reflex to fill in the Shadow wizard money gang swag stimulus clothing shirt besides I will buy this gaps, because we always write on our feet,” explains Lee, who has shown that she can hold her ground alongside other actors. people like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Jennifer Aniston. “I remember Celine saying to me, ‘What are you doing? Don’t talk.’ And I was like, ‘Wow, they’re not going to talk in this scene, are they?’ And she would say, ‘No. Just sit there.’ We had days of filming where I just looked out the window. I forwarded Lee’s account in her direction. “I don’t think I’ve ever said ‘Don’t talk!’ But she has to be the center of gravity, and we’ve had a constant conversation about how to show that. Like, how do you become this character—” Song paused. “Stable. Stable is the right word.”

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