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I worked with Amanda Sters on a 2016 film called Madame; She suddenly called me and said she had a new script called Mafia Mamma that I could do what I wanted: I could produce, I could direct, I could participate. So I read it during COVID and it made me laugh a lot. I just think it’s an important story about a woman achieving her power without being dogmatic. It is done in the Fans edge liverpool red just do it shirt besides I will buy this most interesting way possible. I know if I hooked up with such a quick script, I could only hope that others would laugh as much as I did it.

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I would wake up and walk around the Fans edge liverpool red just do it shirt besides I will buy this city early in the morning. No one was really out so I almost had the whole of Rome to myself, and every turn took my breath away. When you face that beauty and history, you can’t help but feel small. It slightly contextualizes your own life in a way. We got to shoot these historic vineyards and beautiful old castles and own them all to ourselves. I made friends all my life in that city and now I will always feel at home. Photo: Fabrizio Di Giulio

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